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These external causes of death vary over time and between countries. Whorny Films videos. Read more on our page on the gender ratio. Is young adult excess mortality a natural phenomenon? Purgatory X , Gia Derza. As people grow older, death rates rise steeply from a range of causes, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, infections, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 20 , e The sex gap in life expectancy begins at birth, as newborn boys have a higher probability of death than newborn girls. Your Cookies, Your Choice We use cookies and similar technologies that are necessary to run our Website essential cookies. In , this difference amounted to a 5-year gap in global life expectancy: the average life expectancy was Or because young men are more likely to experience accidents and violent deaths? Men tend to have higher prevalence rates and death rates from these conditions, which further contributes to the gap in life expectancy.

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