Accidentally breastfed baby after drinking

Accidentally breastfed baby after drinking

Effects of exposure to alcohol in mother's milk on infant sleep. Those disclaimers aside, the studies did show minor sleep disturbances. Low-risk drinking reduces your risk of alcohol-related problems. You can express a little milk as needed and throw it away if you feel uncomfortable. So, it is possible to have a drink while you are breastfeeding — just in moderation! Worth noting: Infants metabolize alcohol at about half the rate of adults meaning that alcohol stays in their system longer. All this means that the amount of alcohol that could pass through to your breast milk and to your baby is very, very low. Avoid certain fish with the highest mercury concentrations. This is a guide and the amount of alcohol in your breast milk will depend on different factors. Exposure to alcohol above this moderate level, however, may lead to delayed development, growth problems, and interrupted sleep patterns for the infant. We want to hear from you! And even more interesting, these two effects add up!

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