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From his site " my vision is to educate and train a new generation of astrologers, while also deeply honoring the ancient philosophical and theoretical roots of tradition. You need to assess the validity of astrology on its own terms, considering its complex system of operation. Good Emma, bad Emma M is just acting childish like that because I repeatedly and exhaustively trounced her in my very long comments responding to her after she attempted to insult me. To suggest that all who prescribe to astrology are easily misled and don't know what they're talking about is really disappointing, coming from you. I don't care. David Thor Mar 17 I just re-read her insult and it's pretty funny. Raising Consciousness. Almost like God is inviting you to grow by showing you yourself. So our next formula looks like this. Show peer reviewed studies supporting astrology or have every single seat. I do, but I'm pretty sure that's not the full name of it. Also, science is fundamentally dualistic.

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