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Responsibility lies with society as a whole: we must advocate for widespread legal and societal changes to protect individuals' rights and dignity, and so end nonconsensual deepfake porn for good. Upload a picture and a video, and the AI does most of the work. Making It Behave. Add the fact that photos and videos are disseminated far and wide on the internet, and the concern becomes greater. Get bite-sized news via a new cards interface. The number of people potentially at risk of image-based sexual abuse increases exponentially with the advent of generative AI, says a women's rights group. But as society becomes more educated on AI, people may realise how common deepfakes are. In a video posted on Apr 27, , a TikTok user describes her experience of being harassed online with fake nude images of herself that were generated by artificial intelligence tools. Those that are easier to use will likely produce less realistic results, he said. By Hannah Paperno. Image-based abuse can be a distressing experience. Another scenario would be where the maximum sentences under existing provisions do not seem proportionate to the crime, according to Mr Chooi.

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