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As he shared his doodles on social media, his family and friends were able to keep track of how he was coping following Joy's death. Gary wrote: "Well they just blow me away with how open they are about the changes in our life. On the Friday at she died from multiple organ failure caused by sepsis. Gary, in the departure lounge in Vancouver waiting for an emergency flight home, was told when he landed back in the UK. Sepsis: What is it - and how to spot it? I love putting my day on a piece of paper. Gary wrote: "Nearly five months gone. His week had started with his wife waving him off at Heathrow Airport on a Monday for a work trip to Canada. I sketch out all the bakes quickly in pencil to get the details, form and shape I am after. The universe decided I wasn't going to get that any longer but some good has to come out of it. I love doing it. How did you get the job of the GBBO illustrator?

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