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Again, the fact that breasts are seen as sexual objects impacts on how breasts are perceived in the mother-baby relationship. Do our fears of negative reactions influence our behaviour? For others, this confidence grew with support and sometimes in response to criticsms, it became a something to be proud of and a way of supporting other breastfeeding women. It may be so shocking just because it is unseen, and many women may not be prepared to breastfeed in public for fear of a negative reaction or because they may be asked to leave or to stop. Rebecca Short and Barbara Sturmfels for helping make this happen and thank you; to all the fabulous women and men who participated and joined us for some coffee and cake and for baring their souls, sharing their experiences and for breastfeeding! We aim to provide a positive experience for everyone and we acknowledge that there are different levels of comfort and understanding across the broad spectrum of our customers. We want it to be a non-issue. Does it challenge you? Does age, setting make a difference? Limit your activities, the places you go? Skip to content I was excited to be asked by a friend to help put together an event as part of The Porn Project , a fringe art festival, which happened in August this year. Those of us who had experience in breastfeeding toddlers; Talked about feeling self-conscious in some situations when an older child asks to breastfeed, pulls at mums top or makes similar obvious gestures to be breastfed.

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