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I'll unscrew your head and Hee-Ho down your neck! It's a pun. You can visit areas outside of your own village, but you must continue living in your own village. However that thought brewed a WMG in my head There will eventually be a DOOM reference during an event…. He keeps the house spic and span while you are gone, except for the cockroaches, which are his primary source of food he buys your bugs, people! If you fail, into Hell you go! None were the wiser. At the same time, the aliens threw in a few robots to act like the animals among the rest of the animals and humans as another test to see if they'd fit in with society No-one seems to notice though Gulliver being an innocent sailor as well as an explorer and adventurer discovered the aliens' true motives, and tried to escape the simulation by stealing one of their ships. Gradually you become more comfortable around them, helping them out with odd jobs, choosing friends and favorites. Your human character is a stranded and lonely schizophrenic with a split personality. It has to be put on the floor of the cage for the insects to live more comfortably!

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