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When they were married, her husband Neil Ryan Sese became faithful to her. The story of Fernando Gonzales, a traffic enforcer of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, whose picture and video selling rice cakes while off duty went viral. Before becoming one of the most hated villains, but well respected thespians in the Philippine entertainment industry, Rez Cortez was first known as a dancer in a variety show. Note: Replay story on October 13, There, she became rebellious and addicted to drugs. Things changed when Susan was diagnosed with breast cancer. January 7, Note: Replay story on January 1, Paolo Contis , Rodjun Cruz. Watch the life story of Buboy Villar and what he went through before achieving fame. Amid of financial scarcity in their family, the parents put their children in the online porn business to earn money and they are subsequently arrested. For Winston and Alina, their second child Brina who has down syndrome is their source of Joy and pride.

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