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By , I was identifying as black. I was socially conditioned to discard that. But the opportunity to speak for myself was gone on 11 June. In the rush to explain Dolezal after she was splashed across the news in June, there was no shortage of people who made the connection between her adopted black siblings and the shift in her own identity, starting to braid first her hair and then that of her brothers and sisters, taking an interest in African American literature and history. Punishment was routine, particularly for poor marks at school, according to Dolezal. Oh, your family adopted black siblings. She met Albert Wilkerson, a former soldier and retired policeman, working at the Human Rights Education Institute where Dolezal was education director until She worked hard within the community she identified with, giving of herself and her time for others. It had connection to the black community, it had connection to community development and civil rights work and social justice work. Whether or not the son of God had a direct hand in her birth at home in rural Montana in , he was ever present as Dolezal was raised by her fundamentalist Christian parents, Lawrence and Ruthanne. I lost three-quarters of my friends. In the bottom right-hand corner, under the names of the parents who brought her world crashing down by outing her as a white woman masquerading as black, is a box for the identity of the medic who delivered her as a baby.

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