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Im gonna re-write it and deliver it in person next week when the departure is even closer and everyone is even more relaxed about that reality ie. Your generation is the future and i envy it for having you in its marching ennervated and ohhhh so fucked throng….. Im feeling it now. Texas becomes the seventh state to lose access to the litany of pornographic services owned by Aylo. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. About The Author. The prior crap has been just a warm up, I gave my Mom an easy ride but to be honest we hated each other with as much passion as we loved each other. This day i felt glibness coming off me like water in a tin roof valley spills onto bunch grass or whatever that greenery theyn prize around here so much that basically is a hiding place for roaches which get in the house and die but not before they scare the holy FUCK out of you buzzing around like a drone right after you got high and are relaxed on couch in boxers with a beer and a young Reese Witherspoon flik cued up. Ok not by a fuck of alot but still. Share this post. This woman is the real deal. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is facing criticism after announcing a partnership with an anti-porn group.

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