Banned pornhub

Banned pornhub

Web Stories. The post by CFrosty10 and others shared elsewhere on social media have since been deleted by moderators or the users. Some Americans set to be banned have also been met with a count down for when they will lose access. You may unsubscribe at any time. Users attempting to access Pornhub in Texas from Thursday were met with a message reading: "As you may know, your elected officials in Texas are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website. For reprint rights: Times Syndication Service. Today's headlines Most Read Would you like to see the menu While Pornhub has stated that 'safety and compliance are at the forefront of their mission,' the company also believes 'age verification puts users' privacy at risk. Comment about your rating Share your rating. The bill, which Governor Greg Abbott signed into law in June , also requires websites to "display health warnings about the effects of the consumption of pornography. Pornhub is blocking access to its content in five more US states starting in July. He has covered the intersection between politics and emerging technology, such as artificial intelligence.

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