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Close this content. This soft and roomy tee comes in 42 different colors and prints. After the election, some pushed back against the idea of Missouri using public money to keep the teams in the state. She was a copy editor who improved my writing straight away, and improved everything else in my life in the years that followed. The bill comes after Jackson County voters rejected a stadium sales tax back in April, which at that time got Missouri lawmakers talking. We have covered countless wildfires over the years, providing people with up to the minute information to keep them safe. I broke the news about the sale of the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament to Larry Ellison, and I was lucky enough to interview many of my favorite athletes and entertainers. Standing on the shore reporting live, I can still vividly recall the sight and smell of , barrels of crude oil that left a black mark on pristine Refugio Beach. Bill Eigel, R-Weldon Spring, said. Meet the Team. Open toolbar Accessibility Tools. My wife and I met when we worked for the Daily Nexus on campus.

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