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Although she succeeded in having him convicted for defamation, the video remained on YouTube - and Ghadeer found herself attacked on social media by men who sought to discredit her by posting links to it. A BBC investigation has found that thousands of young people - mainly girls and women - are being threatened, blackmailed, or shamed with digital images from the innocently flirtatious to the sexually explicit. Collect evidence What evidence should you collect and who can you report it to? I refuse to be shamed for having a female body. What other measures can I put in place to protect myself? Explore all the stories and join the conversation here , external. Do not pay any money or meet demands they may request. Murdered for her selfies: Pakistan's 'Kim Kardashian'. Italian girl smashes her ass and pussy with big rubber cocks for her teacher on Skype 11 min. Daniel Silas Adamson looks at how smartphones and social media are colliding head-on with traditional notions of honour and shame. Sexy Biker Milf gets slutted out by her Stepson 14 min. If you have read this information and you still have questions, please get in touch.

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