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Phantom 4 Reconstruction. Archived from the original on July 1, Archived from the original on July 26, July 3, Fashion Nova x Cardi B. March 25, The Fact Site. Cardi B has defended her musical content featuring sexually-charged lyrics—like most contemporary female rappers; she stated that the content "seems like that's what people want to hear", since she faced negative reactions after releasing her more emotional song, " Be Careful ". Invasion of Privacy —which made her the first female rapper to win the Grammy Award for Best Rap Album as a solo artist—became the first female rap album in fifteen years to be nominated for a Grammy Award for Album of the Year. Can you explain what was wrong with my comment? In a press release for the awards show, she was called an "influence just about everything in pop culture—from music, fashion and style to social media, politics and even public service". Retrieved July 30,

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