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After a few more drinks, Duck Necklace begins to muse about what it would be like to fall off the ship. As I fall asleep, I think of what the woman who recently divorced her husband and whose son became a man through the good offices of the Irish Republic told me while I was hoisting myself out of the infinity pool. At the infinity pool on Deck 17, I spot some elderly women who could be ethnic and from my part of the world, and so I jump in. A comedian at the nightclub opined on what his perfect day at CocoCay would look like—receiving oral sex while learning that his ex-wife had been killed in a car crash big laughter. I cannot believe all of that happened last night. Before gaining entry to this endless cornucopia of reheated food, one passes a washing station of many sinks and soap dispensers, and perhaps the most intriguing character on the entire ship. Additionally, images of breastfeeding images, after-birth and "health-related situations" would be allowed on the site. Meanwhile elderly passengers stream right past, powered by their limbs, walkers, and electric wheelchairs. There is, however, a clientele for whom this cruise makes perfect sense. BTS 2. Basseterre may not be Havana, but there are signs of human ingenuity and desire everywhere you look. After the sun set and we were at least 50 miles from shore most modern cruise ships sail at about 23 miles an hour , I lay in bed softly hiccupping, my arms stretched out exactly like Jesus on the cross, the sound of the distant waves missing from my mall-facing suite, replaced by the hum of air-conditioning and children shouting in Spanish through the vents of my two bathrooms.

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