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The bio never specifies what, exactly, Mr. On Friday, Mr. Archived from the original on 20 October A company owned by the two Reuben brothers, billionaire real estate investors from the U. Archived from the original on 2 March If Verizon does sell Tumblr, it should seek a buyer with an upstanding record for how it treats creators. Tumblr could build meme-specific features that give users more curational power than Reddit and Imgur, but more freedom of expression under less pressure than Instagram. GoMo News. Occasionally, employees flagged content so egregious they recommended contacting the police. Audience Measurement Cookies. The truly insidious part is that MindGeek has also bought up a bunch of the top porn production studios, including Brazzers, Babes. Unless pointing out a company's recent hardships in a letter and sharing it with a reporter is the latest Silicon Valley negotiating tactic, it seems pretty clear that the offer is a tongue-in-cheek jab at Twitter and its decision to shutter the video looping platform that has caused so much joy and often humiliation.

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