

It's the stuff of Hollywood. Leviathan by Stephen Roddy. Canadian producer and multi-instrumentalist galvanizes bowed guitars, cellos, and synths into an off-kilter exploration of heat and desire. So please, I ask, or rather demand, that you leave the Wimpys and the Beakers of the world alone, they have enough to contend with in the mirror. If you like Murderous Noise Records, you may also like:. The dweeb isn't oftena good sidekick, but when it does happen as with early Alfred appearances in the Batman comic series , it's about the greatest thing that could ever happen to a dweeb. At best, the dweeb is harmless. Wreck and Reference expand on their metal base to deliver a masterfully-wrought album of pain and desperation. And if it does fit in, is it actually unique enough to be granted its own specialization? What Is A Dweeb? The dweeb is physically unappealing, socially awkward, unable to make an advance or a name for himself. We posed the two as polar opposites.

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