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Somewhere in this mess is the realization that perhaps the reason he had a wandering eye is because he felt like his wife Marion was damaged goods when they got married. The year was filled with reconsiderations and reexaminations. She looks a bit different. As told by Russ, it was a scandalizing display of adolescent cruelty. But when Russ consummates his desire for Frances, what does he really gain? And herein lies a curiously recurring theme: the value of sexual restraint:. And why was it so important to be married in the first place? Russ has an insatiable desire to be seen as a sexual being, a habit that persistently clouds his judgment. What was so wrong with you? Sex is not like any other thing you can do with a person. And in some cases, more than forgotten, flat-out denied. Reactions: Monokolo , nebuchadneyyar , armadillobrillo and 12 others.

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