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Drowned in the River Thames. He insisted on starting such an organisation right away. Eschewing all attempts to keep the dramatic flow focused, instead we get tons of not on the spot reports. I loved both books. Which I found to be an occasionally eventful history of Ellen Terry and Henry Irving, and no more remarkable than the lives of many actors, the main interest being who and when they popped in to bed with others, since it is almost impossible to get a sense of the acting styles of Sarah Bernhardt et al pre U Tube. I love the way he can handle large scenes with multiple characters, because he is also a very fine playwright, and can manage this very difficult skill. He has written so many great books and here comes another oneā€¦. Totally absorbing. In the former two, spying adds another level of deceit to the original sense of betrayal. Past month. A gripping modern novel, which reminded me a little of Tom Wolfe. The affair with Jean is over.

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