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I was just tired of struggling instead of enjoying my Erotic reads, haha! Tenderness opening at Liminal Gallery, Margate, One side of the pillow-like pieces is made out of soft, if cool, fabrics. It is also a podcast of one hour conversations with the artists Fitzjohn works with. Bondage forms vary to simple handcuffs to a serious act with leather, ropes and chains. Tenderness": Margate gallery embraces a colossal theme In a world of Pornhub and dating apps, where desire is commodified and lucrative, tenderness can feel rare and subversive. In a month so often dedicated to commercial interpretations of the erotic, it demands we think about the tender. In Grabby - a round soft sculpture covered in painted hands - the artist wanted to show the overwhelming quality of touch. The nipples are small and round like buttons. Also, requires way more patience and lubricant. Similar to fingering, but not exclusive to female partners. Especially in the works of local artist Flora Bradwell, which live in a limbo site in the gallery: the shop window.

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