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Your feedback is important to us. In a separate article for the Yale Law Journal , Citron, who was then a Boston University professor, reviewed the damage caused by deepfake pornography. The marketplace of ideas already suffers from truth decay as our networked information environment interacts in toxic ways with our cognitive biases," authors Bobby Chesney and Danielle Citron wrote in the California Law Review in Be the first to hear about upcoming releases, exclusive offers, and special events. The playful experiment still required state-of-the-art graphics processing and copious footage to train the AI on Cruise's face. Your name. In Massachusetts, Attorney General Andrea Campbell in April issued an "advisory" to guide "developers, suppliers, and users of AI" on how their products must work within existing regulatory and legal frameworks in the commonwealth, including its consumer protection, anti-discrimination and data security laws. The content is provided for information purposes only. Send Feedback. Learn more. Stay in the know! Trademarks and logos are owned by Yellow Production S.

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