Family sexual stories

Family sexual stories

She would call her dad to help, but instead of helping, he did the opposite and joined in. Mom and dad, both wrapped in towels, stood stunned as they watched their children sexually pleasure themselves right before their eyes. This was so fucking hot I couldn't take it no more. My cock was rock solid, the purple cock head oozing pre-cum as it throbbed against mom's wet pussy lips. They would get her naked, and eventually, they penetrated her and used her all the time. She would cook, clean, watch T. Such a Little tease. As I stood next to the plastic clear shower door, holding my semi-hard cock in my hands, aiming it at the toilet pretending to pee, I strained to see Allison's naked body, just a couple feet away. My heart was simply pounding as I never felt so sexually excited in my young life. Only here real single girls are ready to mingle! Sleeping with My Wife's Niece Pt. Again, weird, kinky and very arousing.

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