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We get fooled, phished, scammed. Hope that all helps! Lastly, I should be honest and say that one of the reasons I last a long time is as a side effect of some medication I take for depression. User level: Level 1. The second is that there is obviously a statistical bias at work in looking at dudes working as mainstream porn performers. Posted on Apr 11, PM. I always found that if I give her an Orgasm with my tongue, the next one comes pretty fast and easy. You are performing, sometimes unnaturally, rather than pursuing anything along the lines of your peak erotic experience as you would when masturbating. For the rest of us, see above. View in context. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. When that happens they can change position or movement or tempo, use their hands or mouth to touch their partner or themselves differently, or even take a total break that will be edited out of the final movie, so there can be some movie trickery involved.

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