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We chat with her from her home in New York City about Meg White's drumming, a TikTok punch to the groin, an oscar recap, why she was a no-show for our first attempt at podcasting, comedy podcasts audiences don't love her, all the ways she finds euphoria, she gets a different kind of influencer gifts in the mail, her sex toy startup has tons of runway, it's getting harder to get laid, the difference between the mental health movement and woke culture, why she literally does not leave her house Monday through Friday, her big sexy juicy podcast deal, her agent used to be our agent, and she really gives us the hard sell on pivoting to video. We chat about stargazing, bath-taking, movie trailers, tour updates, Golden Visas, a rise in the vocational arts, he makes a case for having kids, how he plans to die, a mutual love of R. Warning: either you have javascript disabled or your browser does not support javascript. We chat about super casual dinners totally no stress, everyone's got an opinion about The Dare, dating a British person, Chris considers his life to be art itself, a mini room is like Oceans 11 with Trader Joe's tote bags, living as a double-namer, her love of Zedd-Clarity, being an extra in a King Princess video, her gluten philosophy, Bravo TV is too mean, she's a Jersey Mikes girl, clam chowder has a chew to it, she used to be a Republican, she's never done Adderall, a girl never forgets her first laptop, and Mary Beth's thoughts on the Taylor tea. And how he got cast in Killers of the Flower Moon. We chat with her from her home in Los Angeles about Barbie not wearing an N95, Nick Kyrgios' full backpiece Pokemon tattoo, Chris going to the Drake show tonight, we just come out and ask her how The Guest ends, Emma has been actively trying to avoid doing this podcast, you can't put ads on a phonecall yet , growing up one of seven siblings, her brother's casino, how her friend Alex scopes out the talent at Whole Foods, seeing an old boyfriend of hers on a random YouTube video, rifling through medicine cabinets, she has avoided exercise her entire life until now, some book lovers need to get a freaking life, she has a twice-monthly standing reservation at Din Tai Fung followed by a Virtual Reality sesh at the Samsung store, she gives us her smoothie recipe which sounds more like a chicken marinade, and we all know a Raya elder. We're on tour soon. We spoke with Matt, their singer, from his home in Los Angeles about TJ's big night out in Brooklyn, Hi Chews and Red Vines, Matt comes out as a cat guy, mushroom exploration, The National is still waiting to play the Saudi Prince's bday party, which members of his band don't wear shoes, taking lessons on how to be an aging rocker from Morrissey and Nick Cave, that one time they played a show in Las Vegas while the AVN awards were happening, lo-fi beats to pole dance to, what he listens to when he smokes weed and rides his bike around Venice, we figure out where he's going to live next, TJ pitches a video concept for their new single, writing a breakup song with your wife whom you're currently happily married to, and some writer's blocks are bigger than others. His new memoir comes out in the states next week, full of some of the more insane stories we've ever heard. By Nicolaia Rips. We chat about cloutbombing, archival Heavn, reading poetry for an audience, "dead girl voice," what kind of pop-punk girl she was, the fan fiction community, Delia thinks it would be nice to come home to a fifties-style housewife, she wants kids but she doesn't want to stay home and hang out with them, the difference between male and female codependent friendships, getting negged on the train for wearing a bow in her hair, writing her Grub Street diet the week she got broken up with, if TJ has to adjust his demeanor based on his potentially intimidating height, Delia is having a hard time finding people to help with her suitcase, dog systems, the post-brunch breakup, and we discuss a new word she learned in Los Angeles. We update our porn videos daily to ensure you always get the best quality sex movies.

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