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When the day of their date arrives, the chemistry between Kyler and Bambino is […]. What better way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo than to find a Latino lover? Grade: C -. Leanne Lace and Marilyn Sugar are dressed to the nines in high heels and lingerie. The rest is pretty scattershot, gags involving handjobs, sticky semen, baseballs to the face, a heavy-set stripper eating breakfast upside down on a pole, Chinese housekeepers flipping the bird, and a character sliding over a car hood and pratfalling. It's predictably stupid, vulgar, sexist, phonily sweet, and yet…and yet…sometimes the base, sophomoric, hard-R humor garners some guilty laughs that could be counted on one hand and maybe a few more fingers. The girls are in the kitchen […]. Waiting in bed wearing just a thong, Rebecca Volpetti enjoys the sight of Veronica Leal undressing. Karla is playing Charlie, while Codey walks in the door dressed as Maverick. Then she reaches for a short skirt and dress to complete her ensemble. Stanley Johnson is ready to give Jenny Wild the ride of her life as Jenny sits on the couch, blindfolded and ready for anything. Pressing […].

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