Female low blow wrestling

Female low blow wrestling

That's my perspective of not only TNA but towards my main question. In lucha libre, this is referred to as a "fault" or "foul". What's new. Description [ ] A direct shot to the groin of an opponent; otherwise known as a groin attack. As a male fan, as much I can understand that getting hit in the crotch for women actually hurts a lot more than people think if landed very accurately in real life , I still think it's kind of awkward and plus I'm kind of surprised that the mainstream media allowed it to be shown on live TV since our society frowns upon such things happening to women. It only takes a second, and you can even login with your Facebook! New posts. Unless you believe King of the Hill or other cartoons when you believe the no balls no hurt logic, I believe everybody knows that shit would hurt. Aztecwarrior The Artiste. Where have you got that idea from? I could see someone watching a match where a girl sells a low blow like a man would and just laughing at the nonsense because it's not as common knowledge that it hurts as a male low blow hurting is. Pop Tatari Christian vieri.

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FEMALE LOW BLOW WRESTLING / electricianqualifications.info