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Tell her, she is more beautyfull and powerfull than she ever expected and that this power makes you so happy and feeling good. Thankfully there is some good content in the following thread that is more in line with the type of discussion I was hoping for here. For example my mistress and I very often rushed against each other because she wanted to lead naturally and I tried to play the leader, which was a social programmed behavior. I decided to get on a knee and untie and take off the other shoe. Due to porno and webcamming I evolved in a really Nonvanilla way and experienced much more than my wife could imagine. Her love language is Acts of service, so it works out well for both of us. I really never heard about it. You can introduce elements you think you are attracted to in play and see if she bits be warned what you envisioned may not be what she executes. I still have a lot more I could do however. She has begun telling me to do things instead of asking. I wanted to be a slave, started to watch different porno and slowly slided into another way of living. Open her new possibilities.

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