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The majority of the women The comparison of stereotype and reality in context of gender roles is worth reproducing to aid in our present discussion. The content on this site is intended for healthcare professionals. Local News. Learn about Life at Meta on Instagram lifeatmeta. In a birthday card to her lost and now found son, Marietta wrote a note that speaks to the enormity of this restored human connection:. Pathway Programs. This child ruined every sense of normality of going to school. There is a great concern about this issue for at least two reasons: First, it is widely argued that son preference is slowing the transition to lower levels of fertility. Now 32, Marietta lived then in Menominee, Mich. In Table 4 , an odds ratio below 1 suggests that women in a given state have a lower son preference, and an odds ratio above 1 suggests that they have a higher son preference. Close Menu.

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