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The band agreed to his terms; [13] however, Hibbert felt the recording was unsatisfactory, and oversaw a remix. Schirmer Books. Chart History Mainstream Rock ". The Best of the I. The re-recorded version of "Radio Free Europe" was the first single from Murmur. Retrieved June 28, About the author Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. Re-recorded after its initial release as a single on Hib-Tone in , the sample illustrates the change from the verse to the pre-chorus. I remember when it got reviewed by Gary Sperrazna in the "Orb Death" column — which focused on bands who were just starting out — in New York Rocker. There are 0 customer reviews and 5 customer ratings. Records in Years — that the song's content was unrelated to the network and that the name was picked purely because it sounded appealing.

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