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Why hope for something different than what is already so? Katie65 March 16, at pm. Rhys March 27, at am. Neil March 17, at am. Keegan March 17, at am. Also, my impression was that it was going to be a book by an academic that does not adhere to standards of academic writing, among which sometimes seems to be a commitment to profound, unbearable, and untenable boringness, which I think is the often unwitting result of the often untroubled belief in and aspiration to objectivity, a colonial, or at least dominator , and really childish crock of shit if there ever was one. BrianHex February 7, at pm. Christopher March 17, at pm. Das Kind ist bereits in den Brunnen gefallen und hat sich den Kopf aufgeschlagen. Carol March 16, at pm. When Pollan suggested that writing from a question instead of a thesis makes for more compelling writing and thinking, for reader and writer alike, eyeballs fell from heads. I immediately started flipping through the McKittrick because I had heard from someone I work with that it was a weird book, I saw a weird talk of hers on YouTube confirming that it might be a weird book, and I love few things as much as I love a weird book.

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