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Its an age old battle this one with pro v against porn,If you have a lovely relationship otherwise than this issue it seems a shame to throw all that away,An honest frank conversationi is needed,He may not be willing to give it up you may not be able to stand it but there couldbe a compromise reached if you are both willing to try to save your relationship,. The company this week announced free premium membership to viewers in France and Spain, after doing the same for Italy a week prior. Username: [email protected] Password: P0rnP0rn a year folks. Username: [email protected] Password: Buggles05 a year folks. Username: [email protected] Password: 12Lector a year folks. It is supporting the exploitation of women, it is helping promote certain sexual practices as 'normal' or to be expected, so young men pressurise young women into things they do not wish to do, or the young women into things about their appearance. Username: [email protected] Password: infantry11b 2 years folks. It announced the same for Spain in a similar tweet. For other women this would be a hard no - zero tolerance. Add post Watch this thread Save thread. Username: njpnew Password: njp a year folks. The highest traffic jump in countries without the free membership offer came from Hong Kong, which reached a

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