Gay armpit twitter

Gay armpit twitter

Thirsty for more? Even in the world of social media, where thirsting after men is something like a full-time job for man, the pit seems to occupy a particularly privileged place in the desiring queer male imagination. For example, studies have found that breastfeeding infants will move toward breast pads worn by their mothers. It does not store any personal data. Just as importantly, the public worship of the pit is also part of the way that many gay men have trained themselves to express desires in the spaces of social media. Jun 02, West III. Cookie Settings Accept. Gross as it might seem to some people out there, many gay men I know myself included find armpit sweat to be strangely appealing. However, for me, and presumably for many others, there is something almost liberating about this embrace of the libidinal energies represented by the armpit. A lactating mother produces a pheromone that attracts her child to her. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics".

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