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Channel Ars Technica. December 16, United States Department of Justice. The lawsuit claims that GirlsDoPorn was sustained by Aylo's use of its content and aggressive marketing strategies, from which Aylo financially profited. In some cases they claimed that they would attempt to remove the video; in others, they referred to their hired business-focused law practice Panakos Law, which would send cease-and-desist requests to the complainant. United States. As soon as one video was down, a friend or a stranger would notify them that another was up. Women involved in filming reported that their family, friends, and colleagues were sent text messages with links to videos or GIFs of them having sex when the videos they made were published online. Archived from the original on May 9, Archived from the original on February 10, March 19, Her third takedown request came in May "after MindGeek continued to publish her video on PornHub.

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