Gwen stefani nude

Gwen stefani nude

Top Digital Download. Retrieved October 18, It included talented hairstylist Danilo , who was responsible for the sleek, sophisticated updo Stefani wore under her bow-topped Vera Wang veil. During that time, the singer says she was also inspired and enamored by her Hispanic peers who rocked dark liner, skinny eyebrows, and had airbrushed skin. Retrieved October 19, It depicts Williams being watched by a secret organization. Most of the song uses an irregular drum loop and prominent bass. By Kara Nesvig. Marci Robin is a contributing editor at Allure. Follow Allure on Instagram and Twitter , or subscribe to our newsletter for daily beauty stories delivered right to your inbox. PillPack Pharmacy Simplified. Although Stefani didn't tag the artist responsible for her gorgeous makeup, she called out members of her wedding-day glam team in the caption of one of her photo carousels.

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