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Attached File. After all my hard work, the story of MPs' expenses did, of course, go to the Daily Telegraph. Quoted: Are these new vids, or remastered copies of the originals? My request for details on second homes was rejected, but in July that year I took it to the information commissioner, Richard Thomas. Quote History. I filmed a Dispatches programme for Channel 4 in April this year in which we painstakingly trawled through the public records. You can make these requests to all public bodies and they have 20 working days to respond - though many exceed the deadline and are not punished for it. Very good news! It was my attempt to get back into serious reporting after taking a break to study literature and write for kids' magazines. That date, too, came and went. I only had one barrister and solicitor but they were more than enough to outgun the four lawyers from the Commons and the information commissioner all funded by the taxpayer, remember. ETA: saw the pic above me.

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