How many states have banned pornhub

How many states have banned pornhub

Font Size Abc Small. What are Age-Verification Laws? These platforms are also less likely to take other steps to stay within regulatory or creator-protective limits. Avail Offer. Since Pornhub pulled out, Texans have greatly increased Google searches for tools to mask the geographic location of their devices. See our Privacy Notice. While acknowledging the importance of age verification, Pornhub contends that these specified systems encroach upon user privacy and curtail free speech rights concerning adult content. Show More. Age verification is a good thing, if done correctly Safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission. Rory McIlroy. She is a graduate of Kingston University and has also worked on documentaries. We've been here before—with age-check laws, attempts to get around them, and porn platforms cutting off access.

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