How many trees did pornhub plant

How many trees did pornhub plant

If not cared for and managed, they will eventually die. Euphonium 3 3 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! It's not an Anime though, lol. Terms Privacy Policy. However, the new trees are not as good at trapping carbon but do trap heat more efficiently, contributing to global warming. And not a company like Pornhub. So I was happy to see Pornhub offering to plant a tree for every videos watched for Arbor Day. These claims should be used with proof of positive environmental impact. Greenwashing in the Tree Planting Industry The greenwashing evolution has continued to grow. Not only will you be helping communities, trees and ecosystems but you will also be reaping the financial rewards. Seems like their PR department is trying too hard. A plantation is not a reforestation effort.

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