How many videos are on pornhub

How many videos are on pornhub

To put that into perspective, every single minute, these top three sites collectively receive , visits, and users tend to stick around for an average of 18 minutes per session. The woman found that "the fractured communication system at Pornhub has meant this has become an increasingly excruciating process". Men were most interested in Japanese, much like last year, it remained in the top spot. It seems like after a bleak of lock-down, people were ready to throw social distancing to the wind and get in on some three way or four or five action! And finally, Chrome OS makes up 2. Deccan Chronicle. Estimated Pornhub us Video URL Traffic Again, no surprises that if you reduce the number of ranking keywords, you reduce the estimated traffic based on those keywords. In 2 nd was Sara Blonde and in 3 rd was Alexis Texas. Video Game Searches. Men vs Women Breaking the categories down by what men vs. Taking the 98 core categories that PornHub has listed on their website for videos , and tracking [porn] and [porn video] compound keywords over the past month — the lowest current ranking position in the US mobile is 5. Most read in The Sun.

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