Is pornhub banned texas

Is pornhub banned texas

Never saw that coming! River Flood Warning. Criminal Defense. Blue Streak Ever since the world's top online filth purveyor Pornhub blocked all of Texas earlier this month , the libidinous desires of residents of the Lone Star State have been on full display via Google search trends. Pornhub disables Texas users access to the site Pornhub announced they will be disabling access to their website for Texans after House Bill required explicit content websites to have age-verification measures in place to ban minors. Pornhub called the approach "the least effective and most restrictive means" of protecting minors online, adding that it could even put adults private personal information in danger, adding that without Texas providing a clear means of enforcement for the law, they have instead decided to stop services statewide and urge lawmakers to come up with a better solution. In fact, Texas is the seventh state that adult content platforms run by the Canadian company Aylo formerly MindGeek have left over age verification requirements. Meat Beat. Computer and smartphone companies have more political clout than porn companies; it's much easier for politicians to make special demands of the latter than the former. We've seen similar spikes in interest in VPNs in other states where Pornhub has blocked users. Newsweek Voices: Diverse audio opinions Enjoy ad-free browsing on Newsweek. The Free Speech Coalition, an adult-industry lobby group that sued Texas over its law, said it "disagree[s] strenuously with the analysis of the Court majority.

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