Is pornhub safe from malware

Is pornhub safe from malware

You may be tempted to browse Pornhub incognito to make sure no one but you knows about it. You also run the risk of any website you visit after clicking on an ad or pop-up being a phishing scheme disguised as a legitimate business. Thank you for your reply and clarification though. AVS Forum. Hackers love taking advantage of the immense popularity of major porn sites to serve up viruses and adware that take root in your computer. Hi thanks for the reply! And if you click one, you could be exposed to danger. It's better to be sure and safe than sorry. How about malware? User level: Level 1. It automatically scans dangerous websites and prevents you from accessing them if it detects any threats. But in the case of lesser-known websites, with fewer employees and less of a security network in place, the risks may actually be greater than with Pornhub.

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