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Dally Has a Lover", opposite Arlene Francis. Actress: Jackie Brown jackie brown i be stroken. However, what forever cemented her role in popular culture was her performance as charmingly silly California beach girl Romy White in Romy and Michele's High School Reunion , in which she and co-star Lisa Kudrow utter one hilarious absurdity after another. Producer Writer Actor Reservoir Dogs Chris Tucker. Hamill's extensive voice acting work includes a long-standing role as the Joker, commencing with Batman: The Animated Series O'Neal is an electronic music producer, and touring DJ, known as Diesel. The film marked Ben's breakthrough role, in which he was given for the first time the chance to choose roles instead of having to go through grueling auditions constantly. Snoop has 17 Grammy nominations without a win. Jana Cova. Keaton remained active during the s, appearing in a wide range of films. Mira Sorvino.

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