Japanese cheating wife

Japanese cheating wife

This included being happier than usual for a reason unbeknownst to her, going to places she did not know about, staying in the bathroom for hours at a time with his phone, and even having a safe which only he had access to. He had an affair with a woman I hate…we argued because my husband had been cheating on me and got drunk every day. Your browser does not support video. A Japanese woman received the biggest surprise of her life when she had her husband investigated. Share This Post Facebook. But what is the cheating culture in Japan really like, and how does cheating compare to those of other countries? I would never trust them, if the can act so immorally against a person they say they live how could I trust them with anything? She later admitted that she was the cause of his death. Photo Stories. What surprised you about this topic? Log in Register. Perhaps the rise in syphilis and other venereal diseases sheds some light on this.

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