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But while the daddy vibe had longevity in bed, in life it got old pretty quickly. Topics Breathless First Person. She also keeps me in the know about who the new cool rapper or cool model is, which I no longer have the energy to figure out by myself. Weekly sex news from Slutever. For example, in my last relationship, my girlfriend and I broke up for 4 months, and then got back together. But she told her family what happened, even though I told her not to. By Emma Specter. Image by Petra Collins. A while back I wrote an article for Vogue where I talked about dealing with some guilt about my sluttiness when I was younger. I was hesitant, but I went with it. After a break-up, should we give ourselves a break for being desperate, drunk and delusional? When I was 25, I spent a year dating a man 20 years older than me.

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