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Just a few years later, it was , and the water crisis had just named the horror I already knew. Little is known about the ancient human society that built the Crypt inhabited by our POV characters—their history thoroughly corrupted by time into the realm of myth. In the future, our Earth is ravaged—torn apart through warfare and ecological collapse. It rings true for anyone who remembers being young and caring so much about things that matter so little. Just like reading a story, you meet the artwork halfway with your own imagination and fill in the blanks. Got a nice little spot for it, all ready to go. He describes only just enough to jump-start your imagination, leaving the hard-edged details for the reader to incorporate into the world themselves. Desperation causes the Athsheans, led by Selver, to retaliate against their captors, abandoning their strictures against violence. It is often described as utopian fiction, but I find it not so easily reducible to just that. The time period in which he came of age added to his dissociation among his peers. Calm like Mazzy Star, but with highly sexualized lyrics. This is the no spoiler pre-read episode, so you can listen and get a feel for the themes and ideas addressed in Dark Eden without having any of the book spoiled for you.

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