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It comes in response to House Bill 8 , a new law that went into effect on Jan. Few had darkrooms or editing and production suites of their own. Bill Ackman says Visa has the power to force Pornhub to remove child pornography. The Pornhub case has left many MPs in shock. Pornhub said it has hired a law firm to conduct an independent review of its content, has moderators that examine each video that is posted to the site and works with 40 organizations with a focus on child safety to monitor what it posts. More than 20 were listed, with titles suggesting they involved a minor. He was one of Pornhub's first employees and has been working there for 10 years. Reports are further actioned and investigated within NCECC when the information received points to a child pornography offence being committed. The videos were available on the site until December of , after authorities made three inquiries about removing them. This will help us report on important public interest issues the community needs to know about now more than ever. The figures do not illustrate a plateauing of demand, they represent the stagnating resources, despite the need to hire many more officers to tackle a mountain of evidence flowing in each month. Images are getting more and more violent, and the children in those images are getting younger and younger.

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