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Their nude scenes together, devitalized by the wan colors of the photography, are the reverse of joyously sensuous. And that was what they all wanted, a drug: the slow water, a drug; the sun, a drug; jazz, a drug; cigarettes, cocktails, ices, vermouth. Feminists tended not to invoke Mill; punks did not make submissions to official inquiries. I really appreciated that they had both male and female full frontal nudity. Not someone who the audience hates, but rather makes the audience hate the writers for making a character like this. They are both intellectuals in the upper class. There is no real chemistry between Connie and Oliver. LadyCinema 7 December A lovely presentation about the problem of monogamic society, the perception and how inhuman the life used to be for the poor. Mercurio and I therefore had considerable discussions about the advisability of including oral sex. To the false moralists on duty and to those who are looking for action movies like Fast and Furious, avoid watching this drama, as they will get bored and inevitably come here to write nonsense, because the level here is sinister. They watch with the open heart of someone who can endure moments of comfortable silence between those who love each other, without the obligation to say anything.

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