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To me they both look quite interested and are checking out the situation. If you do, maybe you're just curious and want to experiment. This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 23rd, at am. Todd said on March 13th, at pm yeah, i understand your point, the word is thrown around irresponsibly, but there is plenty of vintage porn with ACTUAL lesbians, and they arent that hard to find. Not attracted to the same gender? How do I come out as nonbinary? How to deal with falling in love for your best and straight friend? Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Consulting with people with the experience of either being gay or not being sure about their sexuality before, could help. Search Questions or Ask New:. Talk to an expert therapist. I find that covering myself up and being mysterious attracts a better kind of man aswel :- Poppet said on January 23rd, at pm Why does it have to convince us?

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