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We do not host those files and those files are hosted in public file sharing server and by the ToS of those servers, it is legal to share any public files. We also added a stats point system and enemy's stats to defend and avoid. He is so impatient to see their ship arrive at the harbor, and takes a small sailboat to meet them. Halina will ask Herr Den for the money. Someone mentioned it might not be available before some point in the main quest I think it was fixed in the latest version but not sure about it fully, so if the option is not there, you have to progress in the main quest. Probably has to do with degrading women. You can help us by reporting dead links, wrong informations, new available updates etc in the comment section. Eliska is ecstatic, but Addy is distraught — he will not be able to get them into Brazil. Rio: Addy writes to his family, still, in Rio. Sol and Nechuma now have nearly direct descendants. Addy and Eliska manage to leave the ship for a walk. ZomBotHD said:.

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