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Take care of those wonderful babies and yourself. From the bottom of my heart. Like earnestly! Be weak, be sad, be angry, be lost. My husband and I went through years together me vomiting after having sex with him. My husband of 19 years had an affair with my best friend. Stay as strong and true to yourself as you are. And I really hope you guys sort this out for the best. You are naturally a person full of love and light. Letizia of Spain puts on an animated show of support for husband King Felipe at exhibition marking 10 years of his reign James Morrison's ex partner Gill Catchpole, 45, left note on her front door warning 'don't come in, call the police' before taking her own life, inquest hears Too Hot To Handle's Emily Miller shows off her baby bump in a VERY daring outfit as she marks her due date Iris Law gives her rumoured footballer boyfriend Trent Alexander-Arnold's next Euros clash in Germany a miss as she enjoys tropical holiday Billy Ray Cyrus, 62, is 'relieved' that his marriage to Firerose, 36, is over as it's claimed he thinks 'she only wanted his MONEY' Love Island's Joey Essex has 'banned his co-stars from mentioning TOWIE' - as it is revealed he is no longer favourite to win the show What marital drama? You deserve loyalty and most of all respect. My heart is breaking for you.

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