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Liam Gallagher. A new reality show has set social media ablaze as Americans appear fascinated with "hot moms" looking for love with men half their age. Amanda Holden. Your service has been incredible. Only Fools and Horses. Missing Person. Top Stories. He had been coxswain at Plymouth since and began his career with the RNLI in when he became a volunteer. News all Most Read Most Recent Courts Teen's head split open in machete attack by yobs who chased him down 'like pack of gorillas' The lad was hunted down by a gang compared to a 'pack of gorillas', hey all avoided jail, with the judge deciding to take a more rehabilitative approach when sentencing them for violent disorder and further. Wild Jay Slater theories by 'detectives' slammed — including one that he's 'stuck on a cactus'. Mr Pollard later took to Twitter again and added: "This tweet seems more popular than I had expected so while I have your attention But his unfortunate choice of word was quickly shared and retweeted.

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